Rules and Regulations

Latest Results
Fords 462 v 436 Wrecks
TRFC 374 v 452 Wizzards
Wasp 457 v 409 Panthers
Offcuts 439 v 472 Millers
Fords 432 v 410 Wasp
Offcuts 514 v 477 Wrecks
Diamonds 280 v 277 Meadowbrooks
Totnes and District Skittle League Rules
  • 1. The League shall be called the “Totnes and District Skittle League”. It will consist of a President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Fixtures and Web master, Treasurer, Auditors and members.
  • 2. The objects of the league are to encourage the playing of skittles and to foster fellowship among the skittlers.
  • 3. The general management of the League shall be vested in a committee elected at the Annual General Meeting and are all-eligible for re-election yearly. Five members of the committee to form a quorum. The President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Fixtures and Web master and Treasurer shall be ex-officio and serve for two years.
  • 4. The Committee shall have the power to accept or reject any application to join the League, and inspect all new alleys for length and condition. The minimum length to be 10m from back end of diamond to playing line, which will be the width of the diamond. The equipment of all alleys shall be inspected annually by the Committee to ascertain their state and condition.
  • 5. A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee, or upon seven days’ notice in writing to the Secretary, which shall be signed by not less than ten per cent of the members, excluding the Officers and Committee, for consideration of a subject named in requisition.
  • 6. All nominations for the Officers and Committee to be put into the hands of the Secretary at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting.
  • 7. The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the current year when a statement of accounts, duly audited, shall be presented. The Committee and Officers (as required), will be elected. The AGM will take place before the end of June.
  • 8. Men’s teams shall consist of six players, ladies teams four players, all players must hold a skittles membership at the club they play home games ar. No new player shall play in a match until the secretary has been informed by the team captain prior to the start of the match.
  • 9. The name of the team and private address, email and contact number of the team captain must be sent to the Secretary at least one month before the Annual General Meeting. The names of all players to be with the secretary by the end of August preferably by email to or in writing to 21 Christina Park, Totnes, TQ9 5UR. A new player’s name must be given to the secretary as soon as possible and must be prior to the start of the match.
  • 10. A player can transfer to another team giving notice within seven days of such a transfer by email/writing/or phone call.
  • 11. If a team is unable to field 6 or 4 players they may borrow a player from another team (same player for a maximum of 3 games), however this players score will not count towards his/her average for the season. An unregistered player must play a match fee of £5 per match, after 3 games this will equate to a skittles membership of the Rugby Club.
  • 12. If any player were guilty of unreasonable conduct or breach of the rules, it shall be in the power of the Committee to suspend such a player.
  • League Matches
  • 13. In the event of any alley having an excess of teams, the Committee shall have the power to direct the excess teams to another alley.
  • 14. All matches must be started on time. Ladies 7.00pm and Men 8.30pm unless otherwise stated in fixture book.
  • 15. All matches and individual games must be played on the date in the fixture book and cannot be altered.
  • 16. If a selected player in any team is not present at the time of starting, the captain shall bring in his reserve, provided he or she is registered, but he or she must continue to play this reserve throughout the match. If no reserve is present, the captain will commence the match one player short. The late player may enter the match up to and including the third completed leg by both teams. If the game is played with one player short then the lowest score on each leg will count double.
  • 17. Winners of a match shall be awarded twenty points to be determined on the highest aggregate score of each team, after playing nine legs. In the event of a draw each team will be awarded ten points. The losing team will get one point for each leg of the match they win. If at the completion and compilation of the final tables, two or more teams are equal in match points then these teams shall play of.
  • 18. The league format may be balanced at the committee’s discretion.
  • 19. Any team playing a player whose name has not been given to the secretary prior to the start of the game shall forfeit any points and scores gained in the match PLUS they will be deducted two additional points.
  • 20. Both feet must be behind the line whilst throwing the ball.
  • 21. All pins outside the diamond to be out of play, in the event of a no-ball the pins knocked down will not count but they will be replaced on the diamond. Any pin that has moved from its position but remaining upright inside the diamond will not count, but in the event of a pin remaining upright outside the diamond, such a pin will count. In the event of a pin being knocked down, turning completely over and regaining an upright position, such a pin will not count.
  • 22. CAPTAIN TO BE DECIDING FACTOR IN ANY DISPUTE and other members of the team are requested to remain silent. The people standing up the pins will decide whether a pin is inside or outside the diamond or an umpire if in attendance, when his/her decision is final.
  • 23. Full surname of ALL players must be entered clearly on the score card. Cards must be cross checked and signed by both captains.
  • 24. Captains of home team to be responsible for completing cards and sending results to Secretary within 72 hours after match. Cards can be delivered, posted or scanned and emailed to: Match fees to be left at the alley. All late cards will be reported to the Committee for consideration. Home Captains to be responsible for locking away pins and balls after the match.
  • 25. Any ONE player per team with a legitimate reason wishing to play-off THREE LEGS AT A TIME/NINE LEGS/LAST THREE LEGS may do so providing the opposing captain has been informed before the match commences.
  • 26. A team may play with one player short for two consecutive matches only and take the lowest score per leg for the absent player. In the event of a team turning up with more than one short the match will not take place and opponents may claim points.
  • 27. Stickers up must put all dead pins flat either side of the diamond or in the pit provided and no balls to be thrown down the chute until after the third ball is thrown. Stickers up to stand in the corners provided.
  • 28. Only registered players in any match to be in the diamond area.
  • 29. All Totnes and District Skittles League members must be members of their home alley. All teams will be charged £9.00 (men’s), £6.00 (ladies) per team, per match. The fee applies even if a team plays a player short. All other match fees are £1.50 per player. Plus £1 entry per player for singles and mixed pairs. Alley fees for cup finals to be paid for by the league.
  • 30. Secretary, Fixtures and Web master and Treasurer to be paid Honorarium.
  • Cup Matches
  • 31. All trophies are perpetual and cannot be won outright. All trophies to be awarded at the ANNUAL presentation evening. All trophies to be returned to the Secretary at least one month before presentation night.
  • 32. In the event of a drawn game in K.O. Cup matches only, an extra one leg will be played until a winning score is achieved. In the event of a drawn game and one player has already left the alley NO A.N.OTHER will be allowed to play.
  • 33. All matches must be played on the day and time fixed by the Committee. Where applicable apply all Rules 12 to 32 to Cup Matches.
  • Portable Alley Rules
  • 34. One foot on or both feet behind the portable alley at the time of delivery.
  • Cup Formats
  • 35. Foresters Cup (Men’s Pairs) and A.D. Cup (Ladies Pairs) This competition shall be on a knock-out basis with semi-finals and finals at finals day. Each match to be of nine legs. If tied after nine legs one extra leg will be played until a winning score is achieved. This competition is open to all registered teams. Teams to nominate 3 players, any 2 can play each round. Semi-finals and finals must be the same players. In final stages of competition teams will be grouped together to play on one alley (not necessarily home alley). Last year’s winners to be included in the next years draw automatically (ladies and gents). Players to start their match at the stated time late arrivals will forfeit the match.
  • 36. Dart Cup (Men) and Castle Cup (Ladies) This competition shall be split into two groups. The winner and runner up of each group to go through to the next round. In the event of a tie in a group total number of pins will decide placings. Non qualifying teams will be entered into the Dart Plate (men) and Castle Plate (ladies) competions.
  • Pattern of play:-
  • Semi Finals
  • Winner Group 1 v Runner up Group 2
  • Winner Group 2 v Runner up Group 1
  • 37. Dart Cup (Men) and Castle Cup (Ladies) Any teams that cannot fulfil fixtures must put reason in writing and send to the Secretary so that it can be decided at the A.G.M. whether said team be excluded from the following years cup.
  • 38. Devon County Championship The MEN’S and LADIES teams shall consist of the seasons 10 highest average scorers. No play-offs required. The allotted 10 players (men and ladies) must inform the Secretary that they are available for the HINGSTON CUP, DEVON COUNTY AND SOUTH DEVON TROPHY. Anyone failing to fulfil the above matches, after stating availability, will be excluded from the next season’s averages, at the Committees discretion. Top average to be given the option of being team captain. If any one withdraws from the top 10 the next available player on the list will be advised by the Secretary that they are required to play to ensure 10 players in the team. Individual averages to be made up of league, Castle/Dart Cup and the first round/preliminary of the KO Cup. 75% of games must be played to qualify- 15 for men, 13 for women.
  • 39. South Devon Trophy As Devon County Championship.
  • 40. Hingston Cup This cup is to be played for by the men’s and ladies team representing Totnes in the Devon County Championship/South Devon Trophy. Each side will play all ten players (six legs).
  • 41. Mike Sealey Cup (Men) and Staverton Trophy (Ladies) The above trophies will be awarded to the winning teams in the 3-a-side Competition in the summer. Any number of registered players may play for any one team, but only three may play on any one night. In the event of team being one player short Rule 25 to apply.
  • 42. Team alley record (Men’s and Ladies) A trophy will be awarded to the team captain (man and lady) of the team scoring the highest total in a League, Dart, Castle or K.O. Cup match on any alley (not to include the portable).
  • 43. Archie Parkhouse Cup This trophy will be awarded to the winner of the competition played by the bottom three gent’s teams. In the case of two teams tying for bottom place the lowest number of pins knocked down during the season will determine the lowest placed team.
  • 44. Western National Social Club Cup This trophy will be awarded to the winner of the competition played by the bottom ladies teams of each division. In the case of two teams tying for bottom place the lowest number of pins knocked down during the season will determine the lowest placed team.
  • 45. John Gerry Trophy (mixed pairs) To be confirmed.
  • 46. Individual Trophies Listed below are our individual trophies…
  • 46.1. Pengelly Cup (Men) and Dorothy Heal Cup (Ladies) The highest average from cup and league matches. Only players who have played 75% of matches will be considered. In the event of a tie the player with the highest number of games played will be deemed the winner. Individual averages to be made up of league, Castle/Dart Cup and the first or preliminary round of the KO Cup..
  • 46.2. Individual CupsThis competition shall be on a knock-out basis with semi finals and finals played on finals day. Each match to be of nine legs, in the event of a tie sets of 3 extra legs to be played until a winning score is achieved. Late arrivals will forfeit their match.The winner will be invited to will represent Totnes at the Devon County Championship and South Devon Trophy. If they cannot commit to be available for both events the runner-up with be invited. If the runner-up cannot commit to be available for both events the representative will come from the team. The highest score from the first match played at each event with represent Totnes.
  • 46.3. Veasey’s Cup (donated by Kevin and Andrea Murch) Men’s highest score in a league match.
  • 46.4. Jarvis Cup (donated by Tony and Stella Jarvis) Ladies highest score in a league match.
  • 46.5. Ivor Slatter Cup Men’s highest score in a Dart Cup match played before finals day.
  • 46.6. William Bennett Cup Ladies highest score in a Castle Cup match played before finals day.
  • 46.7. Rothmans Cups Men’s and Ladies highest score in a Knock Out Cup match played before finals day.
  • 46.8. Wizzards Cups Men’s and Ladies highest score on finals day.
  • 46.9. Prue Boswell Shield This shield to be awarded to the gent with the most nines during league matches.
  • 46.10. Margaret Rich Shield This shield to be awarded to the lady with the most nines during league matches.
  • 46.11. Highest three ball score A trophy will be awarded to the man and lady with the highest three ball score in the league, dart, castle and KO cup.
  • 46.12. Trevor Woodman Cup (Men) and Dennis Wills Trophy (Ladies) The highest average from league matches by a players under 23 (at the beginning of the season). Only players who have played 75% of matched will be considered. In the event of a tie the player with the highest number of games played will be deemed the winner.
  • 46.13. Pam Denham Cup Captain of the Under 23’s

Last Updated: 10th January 2025

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